
Overall Rating: OK

It’s only fitting my first blog post concern THE MAN when it comes to technology: Steve Jobs. I’ll admit it hasn’t been high on my list to watch, and having seen it, I understand why.

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Steve Jobs. When he passed, it saddened me unlike most celebrity deaths do. I didn’t know much about him other than the occasional news and browsing his bio on wikipedia. For me, he represented an era of technology, the pioneering days of computers, which has also passed. I have had a home computer for 23 years, and remember fondly the magic that would happen after typing in a C:\ command.

As for the film, I think it overall did justice to portray his entrepreneurship and personality. It had some great scenes that really hit on the high-risk business lifestyle. The overall script, however, was pretty choppy. I shouldn’t already have to know Steve Jobs in order to get the movie about Steve Jobs, and the poor transitions and loose ends with the other characters left me wanting.

Oh, and Ashton Kutcher, I’m sorry but you’ll always be Kelso to me.