
Sundays are a tv desert; I’ve always had enough time to to watch all the new episodes that came out in the last week. So I was browsing my incredible basic cable, and came across Roseanne reruns.

As an early 90’s kid, I’ve seen most episodes either new or in syndication. There’s good reason it lasted nine seasons. Even if you’re not blue-collar, the show was pretty relatable. They were unapologetically themselves, and blatantly honest about real life. So, I’ve never  had a problem leaving on reruns to watch or have in the background.

Today I realized that I never watched the series finale, so I did. I don’t think I’ve seen a more appropriate or poignant ending to a show. The Quijote-style story-within-a-story revelation brought everything together. Even if you haven’t lost a spouse, you could sympathize with her. And it was like a light bulb went off, everything made so much more sense. The writers weren’t struggling and pulling every gimmick from the book, it was all part of a much more sophisticated story arc.

It was so good, I don’t know that I can watch a rerun of Roseanne again.