
Overall Rating: Meh.

I am not one to shy away from fantasy based tv shows. So when Resurrection came out, I obliged and watched. It’s ok. I will say that the sci-fi principal that it’s based on still has me puzzled. I’m curious; I really have no idea where all the dead people are coming from, but I don’t really care enough to look up the plot from the original novel… although it may be fun to do just to put some spoilers out there…

But there’s no way this show is going to last. Maybe it’s got one season, but it might even get canceled early, it’s just not that entertaining.

I think Omar Epps really loves the role of the “level-headed black man” this was the role he played (wonderfully) for years on House, and here it is again.


Overall Review: Intriguing

This is one of a few new shows that premiered in March. I think it’s got a lot of potential, and I find myself even more eager for Sunday nights, which has another of my favorite supernatural  shows, Once Upon A Time.

Anyway, Believe seems like a cross between The Pretender and Heroes. The premise largely built on a cat v. mouse chase gives the show potential to last awhile without stretching the plot out too thin. The superhero/ability universe so far seems very similar to Heroes, although it doesn’t have the same strength as an ensemble. It’s okay though, because I love the Father-Daughter dynamic, they’re such a quirky pair.


I am looking forward to at least 3 seasons of this show.